Saturday, June 22, 2013

Omnivore -> Vegetarian -> Vegan?

A little under two months ago I decided to commit to a lifestyle change I had been thinking about for years; becoming Vegetarian.

I am not sure exactly what prompted me to make the decision on the day I did but I know that these two organisation's videos played a major role.

*  Make it Possible campaign in Australia -

*  Earthlings documentary - 

We all have the basic superficial knowledge of the food chain, but the reality of the suffering and inhumane practices involved to support our meat eating society is not something I want to support and be a part of.

To see the horror in the eyes of those animals before their suffering, and to see them tremble and shake in terror makes me cry every time I see it. Animals are not stupid, and they live and feel and have desires just like us. Just because they do not communicate in the way we do, does not make them lesser beings.

In changing my diet to a plant based one not only do I help stand up for animal rights, I can;

* Improve my health
* Reduce my chances of disease
* Help the environment
* Improve sustainability

So I decided, why the heck not?


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